Thursday, June 14, 2012

Colors of Healing

I lay down to sleep tonight covered in Lamp Black, Prussian Blue, Lemon Yellow, Burnt Umber, & Titanium White. I have painted. Did I paint what I needed to paint? No. But I painted. And that means I'm working through the ball of emotional mess. Or trying to start. It means I can start to heal. It means that the art can start to flow. It means that everything I've started to give up I can get back. I can read. I can write. I can paint. I can photograph. I can lay under the trees and watch thhe clouds. I can remember what my soul enjoys. I can visit Kalea again. I can open myself up to a relationship again. Well maybe not quite that.

Good night world. Dream of fairies in the trees and mermaids in the waves.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


As I find myself in uncharted waters, I'm beginning to notice the strength that others see in me. They don't have standards and expectations for me. They just know I'll do it. They know I will swim against the current when I need to and go with the flow when I must. They don't just have faith in me, they have knowledge in me. And I'm currently finding that I need their strength, their knowledge that I will beat my fears, their love and support. I am a mer on land, and I am walking a new path.