Friday, August 12, 2011

Harry Dresden, How I Love Thee

If you're a book lover, chances are you've read a book that just leaves you feeling lost in the wake of it's epic-ness. You have so many thoughts and inquiries and a sense of needing more. You sit and revel in the intense feeling of a well completed tale and scoff at your own amateur attempts. Well, I just finished one. Ghost Story, Jim Butcher's 13th book in the Dresden Files, is just that. I know, the 13th book sounds like it would just be dragging the story on, like the 13th Land Before Time movie, but Butcher's style is nothing like that. If anything, he actually gets better with each subsequent book. If you're looking for a new read, something for both men and women with a touch of magic, a lot of mystery, quite a few fiery explosions, and some romance tossed in, check out Harry Dresden, Chicago's own snarky personal wizard detective in Storm Front and then go out and buy the second and third and fourth get the picture. Also, if you're a fan of audio books, this series is read by yummy ole Spike from Buffy, yep James Marsters. And just as lovely is the graphic novel versions that Butcher is putting out. Welcome to the Jungle is the first installment. Everything about this series makes me happy.