Friday, January 22, 2010

Beauty regimes--STOP IT!

What is wrong with the world?!?? Seriously, people! People are dealing with a change in eye pigment so that they can have longer, fuller lashes. I will never understand the incessant need follow the pathetic flow of societal demands. Look in the mirror! You're beautiful! If you throw off the constraints of moronic civilization and allow the Dionysian in you to flow free, you'll find that the inner beauty greatly outshines the physical.

Go dance naked in the woods under a full moon and feel how beautiful you are!

The Ormond Frisbee

Sitting in the Florida sand,
as the girls dance along
the waves.
Screaming and laughter,
as one loses footing
and spits the salty brine.
They stumble, from their time
as mermaids
with sand encrusted feet,
and land
on the beach blanket.
The wind picks up,
it senses the time,
the moment
as warm fingertips toss
its circular form
to drink of the tiny tide pool, and
soar with the Scuttles.

I miss the ocean. I miss the water. I want my mermaid fins.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Explaining away belief

As I was combing through consignment shops and antique malls this past weekend, I discovered a postcard with manatees on its front. Naturally, upon this find, I immediately clutched it to my being in a rather pathetic display of drama, for now I had another piece to decorate my mermaid journal with. Since this discovery, I have been traversing the web for a more concrete reason as to why mermaid sitings are believed to be manatees, but have simply come to the conclusion that no one wishes to believe anymore.

Sadly, I have known this truth for quite some time, but I began to think on religion. I am a Christian. I believe in God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. I have no problem believing in such things that I cannot see. I also believe that mermaids, unicorns, the fae, and other such supposed fairy tales are truth. However, in these pathetic, scientific explanations for mermaids (the worse below)

"This vortex of air, constantly changing temperature, acts as a distorting lens that exaggerates the height of an object at sea level but not its width. Seen through this distorting wall of air, the top of a seal's head, or even a rock, can appear like the towering mermaid"

I began to fully understand just how much people cannot believe in something that they do not understand. This bothers me on a much greater level as I apply it to my faith, and the faith of billions. Are they truly believing? Is this why there are 30,000+ Christian denominations? If one person just cannot believe the same as another then is the solution a new church? I don't think people understand what believing is.

It maims my spirit.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A little introduction

Not completely new to the blogging world, but new to this site, it has been several years since I have attempted an online journal. However, as I near the end of my college career, and find many of my friends and confidantes scattered across the globe, I feel the need to write and connect with people in a different manner than that which I am accustomed. I cannot promise faithful dedication to this site or process, as it is something that I am attempting in a moment of spontaneity (which sometimes does me more harm than good), but we shall see.

I gather an introduction of some nature would do well for those that do not know me personally, therefore, here are a few things that I enjoy.
A lovely cup of tea, a blank sheet of paper and my favorite green pen, a perfectly executed roundhouse kick turn around back kick, a delightful piece of literature, the fabled half human half fish, watery fingers consuming my skin, a fairy dream as sunny rays kiss my skin, the delicious scent of nutmeg tickling my nostrils, chocolaty goodness coating my tongue, an engulfing hug, using my senses to create, the melting hues of a perfect sunset, a tart blackberry, mane lashing my face on the back of a galloping steed.

I am part mermaid. My mother's side of the family are descendants of Portuguese fisherman. The family as an unnatural addiction to water. Long months at sea with nothing but smelly, bawdy males as companions, and thusly there blossoms the mermaid descendants.

An artist at the core, I live for life, for the experience of the unknown, for the chance to capture a truth. My medium varies with my mood. I try it all and succeed in most. Recently, the realization was put upon me that I did not choose the Arts, but that they indeed chose me. I could no sooner part from their whispered seduction than climb to the moon on a ladder of Legos.

This is me. Welcome to my ramblings.