Sunday, March 28, 2010

Enough melancholy. Art time.

"Water Nymph"
This was an assignment where we had to take part of a painting and recreate it. This is from Franz Marc's "Waterfall" piece.

"A Girl and Her Book"

This piece was commissioned. It is untitled.

"Van Gogh Meets Ocoee"

"Love in the Time of Hollywood"

"A Lovely Cup of Tea"

Bouncy Ball

Last week was my last spring break ever. It was delightful and full of mirth and enjoyment, but I came to realize just how scared I am with graduating and moving on in the world. What if I never get to live with my fairy friend again? What if my marvelous college friends fall into the abyss of lost communication? I always shudder at change. I remember going through this exact ball of emotion when graduating high school. In fact, I chose the college that I did because my best friend was going here. Life is a giant bouncy ball. One that's out of control. You're bouncing on the wall, desk, floor--hitting everything. Then you finally stop.